The transitions…

There have been times when I was completely unaware of certain things in my own way and life… There was a time when everyone used to call me with my name or a nick name or something that would really make you uncomfortable in a group of people…

Then the years go by, and you move from School to College, you are a junior, then another year passes by and you are a sophomore now…
In those years of college, you call whoever you want, with whatever name you wish, there are no barriers, there are just these friendly gestures, and best of all no one gets offended… Because you know that something similar will be thrown back at you!

Finally, you graduate and move to the “real world”, you start looking for job… you start addressing people with proper salutations, you know because you need to look good and you really need that job…

You get the job, you start working with a team, they are all of your age, passed out in the same year…
Again you have that same college kinda environment, you feel liberated, you work with same enthusiasm, you make progress…

You start moving upwards in chain of command (I mean the corporate ladder…)

One day you move out and head to another Organization, now you have your team, you work with them, you do your best.
You create healthy and friendly environment where people are with you because, there are no barriers of seniority or age or industry experience, everyone is content and learn form one another…

Then one day, the team you loved is spread across, its no more there… you go to work with heavy heart and a lot of thoughts.. you see another set of team, you try to create the same rapport, But…..
To your shock you are made to realise, that you are senior, in age, position and industry experience and should behave like one! All these words come out of the mouth of a kid, who has been recently hired…

Suddenly you see all these barriers! Then you realise small things that have changed in the due course of time…
The gatekeeper calling your sir… The new kid addressing with respect… The cab driver, even though elder than you, addressing with salutations…

Next day you just wake up with a heavy heart and get ready and head back to work, thinking what went wrong in all these years… Get to office and start working, keeping those barriers up and observing all those newly joined grads and remembering your own good old days….

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