Old tech…

I know that this has been said by many and many more times, that the old tech was the best tech… or old school as they call it…
Came to a realization this Dashera, why the old tech or the old school as you may call it, is called that way and why its the best way?

Let’s take small trip down the memory lane, shall we..?

During 80’s, with every Diwali, Dashera, or any big festival, there used to be this hustle…
Which included, (as some of you may recall), head to the post office, get a dozen or two letters… Come home, sit at the study desk, make list of all the relatives, start writing well wishes and all the pleasantries, and that too mind you in really, really and I mean really good handwriting the best ever…! Finish the writing, put down the addresses accurately (you know India post, ahem!) In a week or a two head back to the post office and post them…
Phew! Come back and wait for the responses…

Then came the 90’s, the telephone had started to become the house hold appliance, but still not that common… An entire area of 100 house hold would be sharing one phone number… Then there were also those STD booths, where in people used to flock during the night, for the lower call rates and so they could have those really long conversations with all the relatives and friends… Still this was exciting and magical, to listen the person, who was hundreds of Kilometers away, but felt like he was just besides us…

Enter the 2000’s or Y2K as they called it.. hehehe!
We had the intrusion of phones and sms messaging was just gaining popularity, but was not main stream.. the call rates were pretty low as compared to 90’s and the conversations used to last a little longer… the best part was that only the required person could be reached out and no one would even know, wink wink…

Enter the 2010’s, Internet is a common thing, the “smart” phone is in every person’s hand…. Now we just wish each other by sending a mass text, or an image or just a gif, searched and downloaded from some heck of a server, we don’t even know…?
Or best, just put a greeting one of many Whatsapp groups and you are done… The hassles of calling, writing have become a thing of past…

This type of communication has lost the personal touch, which was there during the 90’s and well late in the Y2K… but, these days, all seems pretty mechanical, there is no personal touch, heck! your friends so called close friends as well, will not bother to memorise your birthday, they heavily rely on online services…

Still there are so many other who are still going with old school way… but, they are just the endangered species… seems that this is how the future, pretty non-personal, and mechanical… sigh…!

2 thoughts on “Old tech…

  1. तुझा हा लेख वाचतांना प्रत्येक दशकातील आठवणी ताज्या झाल्या. ८० च्या दशकात मी स्वतः या जगात नव्हतो म्हणून त्या गोष्टी मी अनुभवल्या नाहीत असं काहीही नाही. संपर्काचे हे सर्व प्रकार मी हि वापरलेच आहेत पण ९० च्या दशकात. त्या माध्यमांची मजा काही औरच होती हे तुलाही मान्य करावेच लागेल. आताशा तंत्रज्ञान खूप पुढे गेले आहे आणि आपणही त्या मागे धावतो आहोत. पूर्वी पत्र असो की फोन असो आपण निवडक लोकांनाच करायचो. ज्यांची खरंच आठवण आपल्याला येत असे किंवा आपल्या शुभेच्छा त्यांना मिळाव्यात असं वाटे. पण आता आपण एक ब्रॉडकास्ट मेसेज करून मोकळे होतो. आपण कोण कोणाला शुभेच्छा पाठवल्यात ते आपल्यालाच माहिती नसते. आणि लोक आपल्या मेसेज ला पाहून आनंदी झालेले असतात. हे सगळं आपल्या नकळतच. अनेकदा मीही असाच आनंदी झालो आहे पण जेव्हा काळतं कि हा मेसेज फक्त आपल्यासाठी नाही थोडं वाईट वाटतं. त्यामुळेच कि काय “जुनं ते सोनं ” हि उक्ती किमान तंत्रज्ञानाच्या बाबतीत तरी लागू पडते.


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