The impatience…

Recently there have been a lot of mental ramblings about the right partner to choose. As here in India, if you pass above the age of 30 and if you are single then your family gets really impatient envisioning about your future without a life partner…! And all the hardships that one might have to go through…

Thus, the search for the right bride or groom begins with full throttle, and support is enlisted forth from the close friends, neighbors, and from relatives from a far far away land…

The suggestions start pouring in, first one then two and then a few more and a few more… Every weekend is a fest of playing the game of matchmaking, comparing the stats, the incomes, the skin colour, the education, the family background, the place of birth and the most important of all, (sigh) matching the horoscopes (I mean really! In this day and age you are going to blame some planets and stars millions and billions of kilometers away for what happens in your life? Really?)… Oh well, since its the tradition have to bear it…

Then the day comes in when you have to visit the bride/groom’s home meet her/his parents (most of the times it’s the groom that visits the bride’s home)… Pleasantries are exchanged, a few jokes are thrown around and same questions are asked (even when the entire bio-data along with all the stats was forwarded earlier to them) Oh well…

Then the time comes when everyone is staring at the girl and the boy, urging them to ask questions to each other… In the gaze of those 100 eyes, they are barely able to speak… With a few generic questions and answers, the meeting finally ends…

Everyone is delighted with the breakfast or the little snacks that are served… another round of loud jokes is passed, with some more generic discussion of where each family tree has started and where it ended, and with wide smiles, we depart, not sure if gonna meet again or not…

And midst of all this chaos you are standing there trying to grasp and summarise the situation… wondering if you really had proposed that girl you really liked from the college long long back then…? Would you have been spared these weekly meets and greets?

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