Fat Kids

One in Seven Children does not have enough food to lead a healthy and active life I keep hearing this advertisement, every time I open You Tube. And this was followed by a plea for me to donate money to help this kids. Well, I am pretty sure these unhealthy and obese kids, who keep visiting fast food joints which leads to them being this … Continue reading Fat Kids

Writer’s block and cockroaches

I have been suffering from a writer’s block for some time now. Which means, I don’t have any topics to write an article. I had heard that most writers get a writer’s block and get inspired by seemly random events. This type of inspired writing wins them awards. So when I entered my bathroom and saw three identical but small cockroaches, the first thing that popes in … Continue reading Writer’s block and cockroaches

What’s in a name?

So, as the title suggests, I had been to Akola recently. Extremely hot temperature, very spicy food and absolutely loving people. The trip started with me boarding the Maharashtra Express. Don’t let the name of the train fool you. As the name suggests, the train covers an entirety of Maharashtra and in no way, does it do this in express fashion. The train takes a … Continue reading What’s in a name?