Does Sean Bean Always Die at the End?
I agree with this article here. Why does Sean Bean always have to die ? Source: Does Sean Bean Always Die at the End? Continue reading Does Sean Bean Always Die at the End?
I agree with this article here. Why does Sean Bean always have to die ? Source: Does Sean Bean Always Die at the End? Continue reading Does Sean Bean Always Die at the End?
Why is the world obsessed with Gender Equality? We, the Indians, are past such petty issues. We believe in caste inequality. That is much better and easier. All you have to do, is claim that you are from a reserved caste and you can easily get an admission in a good college or get a high paying government job, irrespective of your ability to perform … Continue reading Gender Equality ….
I don’t know why, But when I see Job Description (JD) for a web designer, I always get an image of a spider in my mind’s eye. Continue reading IT JD